Lemon-Garlic Chicken Thighs

I found this recipe, which sounded good.

I made it pretty much as described, but didn't wisk the marinade in a bowl, I just made it in the freezer bag to start with. I also used garlic salt rather than plain salt (can't get too much garlic flavor).

They are in the fryer now at 360 for 22 minutes. I'll exchange the trays (two thighs each) when it says flip food.

These were pretty plump thighs, they didn't all seem to be up to 165 at 22 minutes. I turned the oven back on for another 5 minutes and can check again when it beeps at me to flip them and either take them out or leave them for the rest of the 5 minutes. [They all seemed up to temp at the half way point, so the high end of times in the original recipe (24 minutes) would probably have been good, rather than the low end like I picked.]

There is a ton of drippings in the bottom. Good thing I covered it with foil.

I've got them in foil now and stashed in the fridge, I'll find out how they taste tomorrow.

Reheated these at 4 minutes and 360 degrees in the air fryer. Came out great (possibly 5 minutes would have been better, it wasn't completely warmed up all the way through at 4). The taste was excellent, I think I like the flavor better than the Brazillian Chicken. They dripped more during reheating, so foil on the bottom is still a good idea.

Made some mashed cauliflower to go with these from a recipe lots of reviewers raved about, but while pretty good, it wasn't as good as roast cauliflower, so I think I'll stick to roast cauliflower in the future (and I don't have to clean the food processor for roast cauliflower).

Page last modified Sun Oct 4 12:06:36 2020