Dear Republican Senators

A collection of emails I've sent my two worthless Florida senators.

You could have done something for the country guys, instead you acquitted Trump.

Feb 7, 2020:
I hope you are happy your acquittal vote showed the President he'll never be held to account for anything, so that he now feels free to fire the Vindman brothers. Yevgeny didn't even open his mouth, but is being tarred with the same brush. ([1])

Feb 11, 2020:
Now that you've given Trump free reign, I see he's turning the department of "justice" into a machine for protecting his friends and punishing his enemies. I hope you are happy you unleashed your President. ([2])

Feb 18, 2020:
Since you declared Trump King, I see he has now decided there is no reason for corruption to be a crime, granting pardons and clemency to many criminals convicted of corruption (don't know why he hasn't gotten around to Bernie Maddoff yet). I hope this is in keeping with your expectations when you voted to absolve him of all responsibility. ([3])

Feb 19, 2020:
Since you made Trump supreme leader and he knows more than all the generals, there is obviously no need for any policy experts in the defense department, so he's started firing them all. This is exactly what you wanted, right? ([4])

Feb 21, 2020:
What the heck, as long as he's firing people, get rid of the director of national intelligence and put in an unqualified toady instead. I'm sure this is in keeping with your wishes when you granted the supreme leader freedom from all consequences. ([5])

Feb 21, 2020:
Clearly firing two people is not enough. I see supreme dictator Trump has now initiated a campaign to detect all the minute specs of disloyalty and fire everyone who does not pass his purity tests. I'm sure it makes you ecstatically happy to see the Trump you unleashed setting his house in such perfect order. Have you ever laughed at a Trump political cartoon? You're fired! Do you have any friends who are democrats? You're fired! Do you dislike Russian dressing? You're fired! ([6])

Feb 23, 2020:
The President you made unimpeachable is now threatening democrats. I'm sure that's exactly the sort of thing you had in mind when voting to acquit. I hope you are happy now. ([7])

Feb 25, 2020:
The President you made dictator of America has now decided the supreme court should obey his every whim. I'm sure this is in keeping with your desires, and hope you are happy with your vote to acquit. ([8])

Feb 27, 2020:
Your supreme ruler Trump is now saying the coronavirus is a plot to discredit him. I'm sure this is exactly the kind of leadership you were expecting when you voted to make him emperor. ([9])

Feb 29, 2020:
Everyone knows problems just go away if you pretend they don't exist. This fine leadership principle is being applied to the coronavirus by the President you voted to make immune to responsibility of any kind. I hope you are enjoying the leadership you asked for. ([10])

Mar 2, 2020:
The President you made king has figured out how to stop coronavirus: More tax cuts! I hope this brilliant solution is exactly the sort of thing you wanted when voting to acquit. Meanwhile he can rail against Bernie for promising people free stuff. ([11])

Mar 3, 2020:
You must be incredibly proud of your work to declare President Trump unimpeachable now that his loyalty tests are getting into full swing by pulling the nomination of Elaine McCusker. This is exactly what you wanted when you voted to acquit, right? ([12])

Mar 5, 2020:
The man you found vital to keep in office is now telling everyone that he's smarter than the entire World Health Organization and knows the coronavirus death rate is much lower than they estimated, also there is no reason not to go to work with the virus and maximize the spread. I hope you are happy your stellar service to the American people has brought us such intelligent leadership. ([13])

Mar 9, 2020:
The great leader you protected from impeachment is apparently too dumb to even know when he's being insulted, proudly retweeting Trump fiddling while America burns and quoting QAnon propaganda. I hope you are happy you saved such a great and intelligent leader from impeachment. ([14])

Mar 12, 2020:
It is a good thing you declared Donald Trump king of America, how else could he inspire such confidence that the stock market had to suspend trading twice this week? I'm sure this is exactly what you wanted when you voted to acquit. ([15])

Mar 16, 2020:
I see our great leader Trump just told the governors to try and find their own respirators since the federal government is useless. Could this be a plan to blame the governors for the lack? Stay tuned to see what the great leader you heroically protected from impeachment will do. ([16])

Mar 19, 2020:
The great leader you protected from impeachment has now shoved himself in front of the cameras to dispense misinformation and criticism of the press for contradicting him by telling the truth. The CDC and NIH are on the sidelines somewhere. No doubt this is exactly the sort of response to a pandemic you envisioned when voting to acquit. ([17])

Mar 20, 2020:
Your unimpeachable great leader melted down today at a softball question from a reporter which should have given him a chance to express sympathy for Americans (we all know he has none, but he can't even recognize an appropriate place to fake it). I'm sure this is the leadership you were anxious to retain when you voted to acquit. ([18])

Mar 23, 2020:
An actual expert, Anthony Fauci (one of the few Trump hasn't fired yet), says Trump constantly spews misleading information, but he can't just jump in front of the microphone and push Trump down. Aren't you glad you protected such a great leader and mental giant from impeachment? ([19])

Mar 24, 2020:
I see our supreme leader has decided he's lost too much money at his properties and wants everyone to go back to work and spend money again since Trump profits are vastly more important than a few million deaths. You must know some Florida judges, perhaps you could have a word with one about invoking the Baker act. Surely no one ever held under the act was a bigger danger to others than Donald Trump. ([20])

Mar 25, 2020:
Our stable genius leader decided to take his ball and go home because the G-7 refused to call Covid-19 the "Wuhan virus". You are personally responsible for acquitting this monster who would rather kill off old folks than lose money in the market and has now demonstrated the most unprecedented level of pettiness ever seen in any diplomatic circle. ([21])

Mar 28, 2020:
The man you made absolute dictator is displeased with the thought of oversight for how two trillion dollars is spent, so he's already declared he'll do everything possible to get around the inspector general. He knows he can do this because you morons acquitted him of abuse of power and told him he can do no wrong and suffer no consequences. Nice job sticking up for the country, I hope you are happy with your King Stork. ([22])

Apr 1, 2020:
Your stable genius President has said out loud the part republicans want secret: Republicans cannot win elections unless they cheat. Aren't you glad you protected your great leader from conviction in the senate so he could make pronouncements like this? I hope you are happy now. ([23])

Apr 3, 2020:
I see Obama had agreements with the firm O&M Halyard to develop a high speed machine to churn out millions of N95 masks on demand for the next pandemic (which your great leader claimed no one could have predicted). But because Trump hates everything Obama, we never got the machine, and now doctors don't have masks. All thanks to the supreme ruler you protected from impeachment. I hope this is in keeping with your plans when you did that. ([24])

Apr 4, 2020:
The hits keep on coming! I see the Trump loyalty program is still in full gear, this time targeting the intelligence inspector general Michael Atkinson for having the audacity to notice Trump's criminal activity in Ukraine. Of course that's nothing like your audacity for acquitting Trump for such obvious criminal behavior. ([25])

Apr 7, 2020:
Just a simple question today: Can you explain why the republican party should not be classified as a domestic terrorist organization?

Apr 9, 2020:
The great leader you protected from impeachment now thinks the most important thing during this crisis is to force CNN to carry his propaganda sessions live by refusing to allow CNN to interview anyone till they put him back on the air. I'm sure you must agree this is the single most important thing he could be doing in the midst of a pandemic, or you wouldn't have voted to acquit, right? ([26])

Apr 12, 2020:
The President you (God knows why) protected from impeachment, just declared that we are winning because he is the first President to declare all 50 states a disaster area. This must be what he was talking about when he said we'd be sick of winning. I hope you are happy you kept this great leader in office. I wonder when he'll brag we are #1 in virus deaths? ([27])

Apr 14, 2020:
I see President Trump has fully embraced the dictatorial powers you granted him when you acquitted, telling him he would never suffer any consequences for anything. Now he declares he has total authority (but, of course, he still takes no responsibility). This is exactly the leadership you expected when voting to acquit, right? (Because it is certainly what anyone with a small particle of brain could have predicted). ([28])

Apr 15, 2020:
Today we learn Trump is having his name printed on all the stimulus checks. Nothing like using the U.S. government to campaign for you. Isn't that illegal? Oh, I forgot, the republican senate said Trump can do anything he wants and never be held accountable. I assume this is just want you wanted when you voted to acquit. ([29])

Apr 18, 2020:
The supreme leader you protected from conviction is now inciting insurrection on twitter and probably getting his own supporters killed as they gather in their zombie-like crowds to scream incoherently at blue state officials trying to keep them alive. You must be pleased as punch. This is just what you hoped for when you voted to acquit, right? ([30])

Apr 24, 2020:
The stable genius you worked so hard to keep in power is now suggesting that drinking or injecting or maybe snorting bleach or Lysol might be good for you. Shouldn't you have a word with Mike Pence about the 25th amendment? Or maybe you could persuade a Florida judge to invoke the Baker Act? Is this really the great leadership you expected when you voted to acquit? ([31])

May 2, 2020:
The President just called the mob of armed pinheads threatening government officials "very good people". I wonder if he would feel the same if he was the government official having guns shaken at him. No doubt this is the fine leadership you expected when you voted to acquit the stable genius. ([32])

May 7, 2020:
The President you protected from conviction in his impeachment trial just doubled down on his determination to eradicate Obamacare. In the middle of a pandemic, with millions losing their jobs and their health insurance along with it, the great leader you defended and protected wants to keep all the people who need health care from getting it. It sure was noble of you to protect this President even when he just signed the death warrant for the republican party. I hope this meets with the expectations you had when voting to acquit. ([33])

May 16, 2020:
The stable genius apparently has a new theory: If no one knows about it, it didn't happen. First applied to covid-19: "If we didn't do any testing, we would have very few cases.", and now applied to government corruption by firing the state department inspector general. I'm sure this must be the sort of government you were expecting when you voted to acquit, right? ([34a]) ([34b])

May 31, 2020:
It is a good thing you voted to acquit Trump in the impeachment trial. Otherwise we might not have had his uncanny skill at pouring gasoline on fires to get us through the riots and violence. I'm sure this must be what you expected when you protected him. ([35])

Jun 20, 2020:
I'd given up on writing about new outrages committed by the Trump administration, but trying to fire Geoffrey S. Berman because he is investigating Trump chums has reached a new level. How do you feel about that acquittal for obstruction now? Aren't you glad you protected such a fine upstanding honest President from impeachment? This must be exactly the sort of thing you anticipated, right? ([36])

Jun 27, 2020:
Amazing! after all the needling, I finally got a response from Rubio. The key sentence reads:

I voted not to remove President Trump on both charges because it is not in the best interest of our country.

So there you have it: Kiddie concentration camps, killing thousands of Americans by mismanagement of a pandemic, killing American soldiers by looking the other way as Putin pays bounties, race baiting, the list goes on and on... All in the best interest of the country! Who knew?

Aug 13, 2020:
I had given up writing useless senators until today when Trump said out loud he is deliberately destroying the postal service to make sure they won't be able to process mail in ballots in a pandemic. Do you still think acquitting Trump was in the best interest of the country? Republicans are all panicked because Trump is going to drag you down and you'll lose the senate. Why not try to redeem yourselves just this one time. Get as many senators as possible together, go to Pelosi, beg her to impeach again and say this time the senate will convict. How about it? You might actually pick up some votes this way instead of losing them steadily for supporting Trump. ([37])

Feb 11, 2021:
You know how all the liberal media is saying you won't convict Trump? Why not "own the libs" and convict after all? You could even explain that to your "base" and they'd love how you stuck it to the media. If you have any interest in doing the right thing, here's your chance.

Dear Americans

The republican senate owns this lock stock and barrel. Do not ever vote for a republican again. America will never be safe until the republican party is destroyed.

Blood pressure raising update:

Mar 9, 2021:
Senator Rick Scott just had the unmitigated gall to send an email titled:

ICYMI: Sen. Rick Scott: Americans Deserve Better Than Democrats' $2 Trillion Spending Disaster

Leading me to dash off this response:

Americans deserved better than the countless republican disasters

Take your recent email, fold it till it is all corners and stick it where the sun don't shine. Republicans are the ones who spent trillions to transfer even more wealth to the 1% when the economy was doing great and needed no boost. That was a disaster (perhaps you should look up the word "disaster" in the dictionary since you clearly have no idea what it means). Republicans politicized the pandemic, and killed half a million people with their stupidity. That was a disaster. Republicans worship, enable, and protect from impeachment the man who tried to overthrow a legitimate election with violence. That was a disaster. Republicans are still pushing the lie that President Biden didn't win. That is a disaster and likely to lead to more disasters such as all the red states cranking voter suppression up to 11 because they were terrified of democrats winning fair elections. Republicans are not a political party. Republicans are a domestic terrorist group and you are trying to seize power any way you can and destroy the country. Don't tell me democrats trying to help the people republicans screwed in every imaginable way is a disaster. I hope to God the republican party falls victim to its own disaster. America cannot be safe until the GQP is gone and only exists in history books.

Jan 20, 2022:
Congratulations! You have just helped provide historians a rare opportunity! They almost never know exactly when a country was destroyed, but Jan. 19th 2022 is the precise date of the fall of America and every member of the republican senate (with help from Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema) is responsible. Think how grand it will look in the history books! You'll be immortalized just like Benedict Arnold or Kim Philby. Aren't you proud?

Feb 15, 2022:
I suppose it was inevitable that a political party which wants to kill as many people as possible in a pandemic would oppose keeping disruptive passengers off planes. There is always a chance they'll actually succeed in opening a door in flight and killing everyone - much faster than spreading covid. Though perhaps you've bought into the RNC policy that slugging flight attendants is just "legitimate political discourse"? ([38])

Page last modified Tue Feb 15 19:26:45 2022