TiVo Ethernet CoverI got most of my TiVo and Ethernet flickering lights taken care of with the Linksys Light Barrier box, but the TiVo still had flickering lights on the Ethernet port in the back, and a surprising amount of light from them reflected off the wall. (It is interesting that the TiVo menus include an option to turn off the lights, but that only affects the front panel, not the lights in the back). So I printed up this little plate big enough to cover the lights on either side of the Ethernet connection, with a hole for the cable connector to go through: ![]() Some aluminum tape on the side next to the TiVo, and no lights reflect off the wall any longer: ![]() Here's the trivial little openscad file that builds this part: // Small plate to go on back of TiVo to cover up lights on the ethernet port. widest=13.78; narrow=4.67; midwide=7.27; tallest=9.56; shortest=7.04; midtall=8.80; outer_tall=17.11; outer_wide=18.18; outer_up=4.11; module ethernet_port(thick) { union() { translate([0,-narrow/2,0]) cube([tallest, narrow, thick]); translate([0,-midwide/2,0]) cube([midtall, midwide, thick]); translate([0,-widest/2,0]) cube([shortest,widest,thick]); } } difference() { translate([-outer_up,-outer_wide/2,0]) cube([outer_tall, outer_wide, 2]); translate([0,0,-1]) ethernet_port(5); } Go back to my main Solidoodle page. |