Plastic tub opener

After spending what seemed like an hour prying the top off one of those plastic tubs various stuff is sold in (in this case ranch dip), I happened across this design, so I printed one up:

It doesn't work as magically as I had hoped, but it at least helps get started easier :-).

After cleaning out the tub so I could look at it upside down while levering the opener, I think the problem is that the tub itself has a flat ring around the top and the grabber tries to lift it as well as the lid. Perhaps a redesign with a slim tooth that could be wedged between the lid and the ring would help. I may try that someday.

Various attempts led me to this completely different design for a small finger ring sized gadget with teeth to get under the lid:

I put this on thingiverse as Tub Opener.

Page last modified Sun Jun 6 12:47:34 2021