Thermapen Holder

The sale price and the one second response time finally broke down my resistance and I bought a Thermapen One. Unlike many similar products, it doesn't have a magnetic back to stick to the side of the refrigerator, so naturally I had to design and print a holder with magnets:

It works like this:

I may need to redesign it though. Apparently the magnet right near the hinge the probe rotates on makes it turn on when I put it in the holder. I should ask ThermoWorks if that is a problem (it does turn off automatically in short order).

The OpenSCAD and STL files are on thingiverse as Thermapen One Holder

OK, turns out merely opening or closing the refrigerator door would set it off, so I went ahead and redesigned it:


I added these v2-* files to the thingiverse model.

Page last modified Sun May 15 17:49:43 2022