Post Caps

This is on thingiverse as Caps for wire shelf posts

Continuing my series of parts to spiff up my wire shelves, I've now printed caps for the open ends of the posts:

They have flexible vanes on the bottom that grab the inside of the tube to hold them in place securely:

But wait! There's more! I'm also going to build caps I can attach other things to (like holders for USB cables)

Here's the cable holder with overhangs I suspected were a bit too shallow to print well (and I was right):

A few nips with a clipper and rubs with some sandpaper cleaned up the overhangs well enough, and here are all three pieces which will make the complete cap. A modified cap with a hole for an M3 bolt and a little key block to prevent the pieces from rotating out of position:

Like I did with the embedded magnets, I inserted an @pause in the gcode just before it printed the bridge over the M3 nut shaped hole I put in the model, then crammed an M3 nut in the hole (best done by screwing it on the end of a bolt to use as a handle, then unscrewing the bolt) and resumed the print, so I can securely screw an M3 bolt into the piece:

Inserting the key block between the pieces and bolting them together gives me this view of the bottom:

Here's the whole assembly mounted on the post:

Finally here are some cables hanging on it:

Page last modified Wed Sep 8 16:43:33 2021