Spaghetti Squash

Since the tomato sauce is so good, I decided to try it with something new: Spaghetti squash. I roasted the squash using the directions here.

The squash I got at publix was on the small side so I only used 30 minutes at 400 degrees, and it came out great. The strands magically separated with a fork just like they are supposed to (after waiting 10 minutes to give it time to cool enough to hold. I put it in a bowl and put a few spoons of the sauce on top and a little Parmesan cheese, and it was terrific.

The only difficulty was the simple sounding instruction to cut the squash in half. Them things are tough, it was hard going to get it cut, but I finally made it. I was wishing for a bandsaw for a while.

You have to wonder what kind of strange evolotionary path led to something as weird as spaghetti squash.

Page last modified Sun May 10 16:54:16 2020