Air Fryer Publix Meal

Publix has these pre-made meal kits you just need to pop in the oven. I thought I'd get one and try it in the air fryer. Today's experiment is Pepperoni & Mozzarella stuffed Sicilian style chicken with asparagus (the name is certainly a mouthful).

The instructions say bake in oven at 375 for 35 to 40 minutes. I found a web page that recommends conversion to air fryer by reducing the temp by 25 degrees and time by 20%.

So the meal is now in the air fryer t 350 degrees for 28 minutes and I'll poke it with the instant read thermometer at the end to see if it reached the desired 165 or it needs more time (or it got overcooked).

Overcooked it is! The temp was about 180, not 165. Guess I'll reduce the time next time I try this. It is still pretty edible.

Page last modified Thu Oct 28 16:55:32 2021