Potato and Ham Casserole

No specific recipe to point to here, just a thing I invented inspired by many other recipes and a desire to keep prep to a minimum.

Sliced Publix gold potatoes (washed, but not peeled) into my casserole dish using my mandoline. After each potato, spread the slices out and salted them good, then added chopped up ham slices and cheddar cheese shreds, repeat with next potato (on a whim, I also added grated Parmesan on the 2nd layer).

Three potatoes seemed to be enough to make the (about 9x9) dish comfortably full. Didn't put ham on top, but did put cheese and ground on some black pepper.

Final step: pour on heavy cream till it looked like everything was nicely coated.

It is covered in a 350 degree oven now and I plan to remove the cover after an hour and give it another hour.

I'll see if this invention is any good later tonight.

OK, it is definitely good. So good, I should never make it again because it seems too much like just one serving.

Page last modified Sat Jan 2 14:58:39 2021