Sous Vide Egg Bites

There are a million recipies for these, but I went with this very basic egg and cheese one to start with.

Note: 172 degrees for 1 hour (so I don't have to read through the recipe to remind myself).

Not having any confidence in measuring a tablespoon of grated cheese, I looked up weights to volume tables and decided to grate about 2 ounces of Gruyère (which I had left from a previous recipe), then parcel it out among the jars till they all looked about the same.

I scrambled the eggs and cream (which I used instead of milk) in a "blender bottle" instead of a bowl and wisk. This made it much easier to pour and much easier to clean up.

I used the instructions I've read to tighten the jars till you just feel resistance, and it seemed to work. I got lots of bubbles when I put them in the water, and haven't heard any jars explode yet :-).

The 10 eggs filled 9 jars, but the last one seemed a bit too empty, so I added a bunch of cheese to it to make sure it would sink.

Now I just have to wait to see how they come out.

They are pretty good. Sliding a knife around the edge and tapping them upside down on a plate makes the egg drop right out.

I didn't go with any kinds of spices for this first run, so it was a bit bland, but I'm thinking smoked paprika and/or ground mustard could be good. Lots of variations to try in the future.

Lunch was a couple of these and a couple of slices of ham.

...time passes...

My latest version has evolved to being much more complex. I cooked four strips of bacon in a sheet pan and then crumbled them up in a bowl and got a bowl of shredded cheddar cheese as well. I put five eggs each in two blender bottles (because there isn't much room left if I try 10 eggs in one blender bottle) along with a little heavy cream on top (mainly because I had some that needed to get used up). I put a teaspoon of smoked paprika, a half teaspoon of onion powder, a half teaspoon of salt, and 10 grinds of black pepper in each bottle (dumped in via a paper funnel at last second so it didn't get a chance to clump), then closed the bottle and shook like crazy. Spray some oil, put in a spoonful of cheddar cheese and a spoonful of bacon bits in each jar, then shake bottle and fill jar. They are in the water bath now, I'll see how they taste when I eventually try one (perhaps should have gone with just a half teaspoon of paprika as they looked pretty darn pink).

Conclusion: They are pretty darn good, but the bacon bits got chewy (not surprising). Still taste like bacon though.

... Best version yet!...

This time I diced some ham into little cubes and dumped it and some shredded cheddar cheese in each jar before filling with the egg mixture (which I added black pepper and paprika to). These came out wonderful.

Page last modified Tue Jul 14 13:48:44 2020