The Parting Trump

At a rally on Dec. 5th, 2020 in Valdosta Georgia, speaking about his efforts to overturn the election, Donald Trump said the truest thing he ever spoke:

I've probably worked harder in the last three weeks than I ever have in my life

Hundreds of thousands of dead Americans, but he's worked harder on overturning the election.

An economy in shambles and more unemployment than the great depression, but he's worked harder on overturning the election.

Devastation from hurricanes, derechos, bomb cyclones, but he's worked harder on overturning the election.

He's the president of the United States, but overturning an election is the only thing he's worked hard on.

This is the President virtually every elected republican enabled, applauded, and protected. Remember that the next time you are filling out a ballot with a republican name on it.