Republican/English Dictionary

Republican English
1 pound 1.46 pounds
Activist judge Judge who rules in favor of the constitution against republicans.
America first 1) America last 2) I'm going to destroy the world, but I'll destroy America First (see cartoon)
Believe me I am lying
Bipartisan Democrats agree to whatever republicans want
Civil debate Everyone nods their heads and agrees republicans are correct. (see story)
Compromise See: Bipartisan
Conservative Moronic
Corrupt Follows the law even if it hurts republicans (see this article)
Coverup Failed to manufacture evidence to find democrats guilty. (see Durham Investigation)
Deep State Anyone who believes in the rule of law
(Thanks to David Frum)
Delivered Surrendered (see story)
Diligent Non-existent (see story)
Diversity Welcoming people who look different, as long as they think the exact same way.
Doesn't work Helps poor people. As in: Universal health care doesn't work.
Election Fraud Counting democratic votes
Election Integrity Insuring that only republican votes count
Fake News Facts
Hit Job Journalist telling the truth about republicans.
Hurtful Truthful (see story)
Indoctrination camp Public education which teaches facts and critical thinking.
Journalistic malfeasance Accurate reporting (about republicans)
Law and Order Lock up all the democrats
Legitimate Political Discourse Insurrection
Liar Someone who tells the truth to one or more of: Democrats, Prosecutors, the News Media
Loyal You worship me even as the bus I threw you under is crushing your ribcage
Misspoke Accidentally said what you really believe.
Oath of Office Poetic statement that has no meaning
Oversight An essential congressional duty only valid when republicans are conducting oversight of democrats
Patriotic Hugs (and possibly gropes) American flags
Power grab Counting every vote (See this blather)
Raising taxes is bad Paying for things to benefit America is bad
Radical takeover Majority rule
Responsible Doesn't interfere with the profits of mega corporations
Restore Confidence Prevent democrats from voting.
(See this story)
Sacrosanct Targeted for destruction (see William Barr)
Sensitive Places Anywhere large numbers of republicans are gathered (See gun ruling article)
Socialist Centrist
Take care of Do away with - when Trump promised to take care of the forgotten people, no one remembered he loves to talk like a mobster.
The best people The smallest people (smallest minds, smallest souls, smallest hearts). (see example)
Treason Disagreeing with republicans
Unity Everyone agrees republicans are correct
Voter Fraud Democrats voting
Woke I hate everything you hate even though I don't know what you hate.
Page last modified Fri Jun 23 18:07:52 2023