The GOP must be destroyed

With insignificant exceptions, the entire republican party has enabled, cheered, and protected Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, every action Trump has taken has harmed America, damaged relations with allies, helped America's enemies, or simply lined Trump's pockets.

The theory that Trump simply hates America and wants to do everything possible to damage it explains his every action with perfection.

The action of one individual can be dismissed as a twisted personality, but what explains the entire republican party defending that twisted individual at every turn?

Whatever the reason, it is clear that America cannot survive the depredations the republican party will inflict.

We let the republican party hang around and rebuild after Nixon, and they brought us Trump a few decades later. Who can possibly imagine what new horror they will bring in a few more decades if we make the mistake of letting them hang around this time?

The republican party must be destroyed. America cannot be safe until that happens.

Vote against every republican in every election at every level of government. Drive them all from office. Anyone who votes for a republican now that the party has exposed itself is saying, "I'm happy to contribute to the destruction of America and democracy!"

The only safe place for the republican party is history books.

P.S. In case unconditional support for Trump wasn't enough, maybe the collection of republican senators profiting from insider information about the pandemic while telling America "no problem" will convince you. Burr, in particular, voted against a 2012 bill banning insider trading for Congress.

Need still more reasons? The republican senate is currently preventing any coronavirus relief from passing because they are insisting on including a half trillion dollar slush fund they can parcel out to their cronies and keep the destination of the money secret. They don't care how many people die while they throw a tantrum to demand their payoff.

Page last modified Mon Mar 23 17:31:32 2020