Dear Nancy

I apologize in advance if you are merely doing something like waiting for the budget to pass so Trump can't shut down the government again out of pique.

But if that isn't it, if you really are determined not to impeach, then you are suppressing democratic votes more effectively than any of the republican voter suppression schemes. Nothing will keep more people away from the polls than democrats demonstrating they are every bit as derelict in thier duty as republicans. If we are going to sweep republicans out of the senate and the white house, then turnout is what we need.

Republicans already seem to be determined to increase democratic turnout by continuing their lawsuit to destroy the ACA and passing draconian abortion laws. Please give them a chance to do more:

Start formal impeachment hearings. Get them on TV every day with a continuous drip of crimes, corruption, and sleaze for the American people to see. Hand the massive articles of impeachment to the senate, and let every republican senator go on the official historical record saying, "I don't care how guilty he is!".

That will be the trifecta of turnout boosting corruption. It could even be the beginning of the end of the republican party.

Some people say: "Oh! Impeaching Trump will just enrage his supporters and they'll sweep him to victory!". To these people I say: "Find me one single Trump supporter who isn't currently planning to vote, but will turnout if Trump is impeached.". These folks would already crawl over broken glass just to get to a Trump rally. They are all going to turn out to vote already. They might well be more enraged, but that doesn't give them more votes.

Other people say: "Everyone in the administration is stonewalling everything, you won't be able to get any testimony.". Well, that's true of any kind of hearing, and impeachment carries more clout in the courts than more ordinary hearings. Plus, you are currently acting as if the administration is filled with normal rational human beings who can respond reasonably to negotiations for testimony. They aren't rational. They aren't reasonable. You need to revive inherent contempt. You need to try the stonewallers in the house, and lock them up in the new house jail.

What new house jail? The one you create by renting a warehouse and adding some chain link cages, mylar blankets, and floor mats. Republicans have made it clear that their concentration camps on the border are perfectly wonderful lockups, so they should find their time in your similar lockup to be wonderful as well.

Page last modified Sat Jul 13 18:26:03 2019