// Modify the white handle to print just some stubs of the prongs at the top // to position the gold ring correctly for glue. // // More importantly, build an arch with a 3mm hole in the center to print // at the top which will be used to glue in an M3 bolt that will be used // to screw the while handle/gold ring to the black handle. flat_height=46.02; ring_height=4.62; module white_handle() { translate([-10.92-28.97/2, -10.92-28.97/2, 0]) import("white_handle_hollow_twist.stl"); } module bottom_arch() { intersection() { difference() { cylinder(r1=23/2, r2=28/2, h=15); cylinder(r1=22/2, r2=6/2, h=15); } translate([-9/2, -28/2, 0]) cube([9,28,15]); } } module top_bar() { difference() { union() { intersection() { difference() { translate([-9/2, -28/2, -3]) cube([9,28,3]); translate([0,0,-4]) cylinder(h=10,r=3/2,$fn=64); } translate([0,0,-4]) cylinder(h=10,r=28/2,$fn=64); } translate([0,0,0.01-15-3]) bottom_arch(); } translate([-25,20,-8]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(r=10,h=50,$fn=64); translate([-25,-20,-8]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(r=10,h=50,$fn=64); } } union() { difference() { // Start with regular while handle part white_handle(); // chop off the silly prongs that never print so they are just below the // height of the ring. translate([-25,-25,flat_height+ring_height-0.1]) cube([50,50,50]); } // Add in a bar constructed so it can print at the top of the piece translate([0,0,flat_height]) rotate([0,0,30]) top_bar(); }