Beef Ragu

Taste: Very good

Cleanup: Cutting board, Knife

Ingredients: All available at Publix

This Beef Ragu is my first use of my Instant Pot as a slow cooker. I plan to top the Polenta with the Ragu once it finishes cooking.

The biggest challenge so far is smelling it all day. Hopefully I'll be able to parcel it out over the polenta in the containers rather than scarfing it all down right out of the pot.

It worked! I did manage to divide it up and stick it in the fridge, and it heats up nice in the microwave and tastes delicious.

Possibly I should have used a tomato sauce with less olive oil, there was a big pool of olive oil on top when I finally opened the Instant Pot after cooking all day, but I just stirred it back in and it seems OK.

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Page last modified Sun Oct 21 13:03:51 2018