
Taste: Very good

Cleanup: Instant Pot, knife, cutting board (from mincing garlic)

Ingredients: All available at Publix.

I found this recipe for cooking a smoked ham in the instant pot. Since it is my favorite kind (close to zero prep and just put everything in the pot and wait), I figured I'd give it a try.

I got a Publix semi-boneless smoked ham that was about 6lb and used 50 minutes as the cook time. It came out perfect and juicy with lots of flavor.

The only problem is that it is really a lot of ham. I used some of in to make black eyed peas and ham, some to make sandwiches, some to cook with green beans, but I'll probably wind up throwing some away as I got really tired of ham :-).

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Page last modified Fri Dec 28 19:23:49 2018